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Unbeatable Powersports Service

Our current shop rates are $85/hour. We offer expedited services, and we guarantee quick turnaround on repairs. L & S Powersports N' More LLC  also offers pick-up and delivery for equipment. Give us a call for parts ordering; most parts are delivered in 1-3 days.

We currently offer several levels of service. Take advantage of this service and save up to $120!

ATV Common Services

Level 1 Full Service - $109.95 + Parts

  • Engine/Transmission Oil Change
  • Lube and Adjust Cables
  • Clean, Lube, and Adjust Chain
  • Clean and Oil Air Filter
  • Set Air Pressure in Tires
  • Complete Multi-Point Inspection

Level 2 Full Service - $209.95 + Parts
Includes All of Level 1 Services, plus:

  • Cooling System Flush
  • Flush Front & Rear Braking Systems
  • Re-Pack Silencer

Level 3 Full Service - $359.95 + Parts
*Includes All of Level 1 & Level 2 Services, plus:

  • Valve Adjustment

Street Bike Common Services

Level 1 Full Service - $109.95 + Parts

  • Engine/Transmission Oil Change
  • Clean, Lube, and Adjust Chain
  • Clean and Oil Air Filter
  • Set Air Pressure in Tires
  • Lube and Adjust Cables
  • Complete Multi-Point Inspection

Level 2 Full Service - $199.95 + Parts
Includes All of Level 1 Services, plus:

  • Throttle Body Cleaning
  • Cooling System Flush
  • Flush Front & Rear Braking Systems

Level 3 Full Service - $599.95 + Parts
*Includes All of Level 1 & Level 2 Services, plus:

  • Valve Adjustment
  • Compression Test and Change Spark Plug

Side x Side Common Services

Level 1 Full Service - $259.95 + Parts

  • Engine/Transmission Oil Change
  • Lube and Adjust Cables
  • Differential Oil Change (Front & Rear)
  • Clean, Lube, and Adjust Chain (if applicable)
  • Clean and Oil Air Filter
  • Belt and Drive Inspection
  • Set Air Pressure in Tires
  • Complete Multi-Point Inspection

Level 2 Full Service - $409.95 + Parts
Includes All of Level 1 Services, plus:

  • Complete Breaking System Flush + Inspection
  • Complete Cooling System Flush + Inspection

Level 3 Full Service - $469.95 + Parts
*Includes All of Level 1 & Level 2 Services, plus:

  • Replace Spark Plugs
  • Complete Valve Adjustment

Dirt Bike (2 Stroke) Common Services

Level 1 Full Service – 99.95 + Parts

  • Transmission Oil Change
  • Compression Test and Change Spark Plug
  • Clean, Lube, and Adjust Chain
  • Clean and Oil Air Filter
  • Set Air Pressure in Tires
  • Lube and Adjust Cables
  • Complete Multi-Point Inspection

Level 2 Full Service - $199.95 + Parts
Includes All of Level 1 Services, plus:

  • Cooling System Flush
  • Flush Front & Rear Braking Systems
  • Re-Pack Silencer

Dirt Bike (4 Stroke) Common Services

Level 1 Full Service - $109.95 + Parts

  • Engine/Transmission Oil Change
  • Clean, Lube, and Adjust Chain
  • Clean and Oil Air Filter
  • Set Air Pressure in Tires
  • Lube and Adjust Cables
  • Complete Multi-Point Inspection

Level 2 Full Service - $199.95 + Parts
Includes All of Level 1 Services, plus:

  • Cooling System Flush
  • Flush Front & Rear Breaking Systems
  • Compression Test & Change Spark Plugs

Level 3 Full Service – $349.95 + Parts
*Includes All of Level 1 & Level 2 Services, plus:

  • Valve Adjustment

Oil Change

ATV & Street Bikes - $89.95 (includes parts)

  • Engine/Transmission Oil Change
  • Includes up to 3 Quarts Oil + Oil Filter
    Any additional will be charged separately.

Side x Side - $99.95 (includes parts)

  • Engine/Transmission Oil Change
  • Includes up to 3 Quarts Oil + Oil Filter
    Any additional will be charged separately.

Dirt Bikes (2 & 4 Stroke) - $79.95 (includes parts)

  • Transmission Oil Change
  • Includes up to 3 Quarts Oil
    Any additional will be charged separately.

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