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Certified Amsoil Dealer

At L & S Powersports N' More LLC, we only use the best products for our customers. That’s why we use Amsoil for our oil needs. Amsoil is one of the best oils available for high-performance machinery, which helps keep your equipment working longer. We prefer Amsoil because it offers better performance in cold temperatures. During Indiana winters, you’ll want that promise and guarantee that your powersport will smoothly shift, start without a hitch, and offer better fuel economy throughout the cold. One of the greatest benefits is that Amsoil will save you money in the long run. Sticker shock can happen, but the protection and performance from Amsoil will ensure you won’t have to change your oil often.

a white dirt bike

Getting You on the Road

We know searching for the best accessories and batteries can be a hassle. That’s why we stock the best of the best at our one-stop shop. Find all you need and more with us, and if you don’t find the exact piece you’re looking for, let us know. Our team is happy to order parts or accessories and have them delivered to your home. Stop by or call to see what we have in stock and to find that perfect accessory for you.

Fuel Your Dream by Calling Today