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Great place. Great people. Great service on all of my lawn equipment. Also got me back on the road with my BMW motorcycle after sitting for 5 years. My new go to service center! Thanks to all!

Daniel Robertson

Great company to deal with honest with pricing and won’t surprise you with a lot of extra things you didn’t need to begin with had them work on my motorcycle and did a great job and got it in and out this will be the only place I take my bike to get worked on

Gary Yeley

Nice place to get parts and stuff worked on really don't have much for sale but stuff is always coming in

Andy Abbitt

They repaired my mower at a very fair price. Very professional and explained to me in complete detail. Highly recommend their service. Thank you Hunter and staff.

LeAnn Freeman

Great service was in and out very quickly. Good communication with the guys. Would highly recommend this shop!

Jim French

They do great work!

Chris Crites

Friendly and professional. Work still being done on atv.

Phlip Ballard

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