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L & S Powersports N' More LLC Your Hometown Experts

Opening in March of 2022, L & S Powersports N' More LLC in Spencer, IN, wanted to establish a dependable repair shop offering various options. Our goal is to ensure no customer is turned away and to fill the gap in our area. We’ve always seen a need for a customer-oriented repair shop, and we’re happy to step up and fill that gap. It’s our mission to ensure that each of our customers feels as if they can rely on us for years to come.

someone riding a dirt bike

Meeting the Needs of the Community

We looked at our community and noticed a lack of customer-focused service/repair shops. Instead of lamenting about it, we did something. Our team understands that each customer’s needs are unique, and we have created a system to assist with each need. Either by stocking multiple brands or carrying everything you may need for your powersport, from parts to accessories. We want to be your shop to call home. Here are some of the benefits of choosing us:

  • Expedited service/repair jobs available upon request.
  • Quick turnarounds on jobs standard.
  • Stocking multiple brands.
  • Ability to order a part and get it delivered to you.
  • Option to rent equipment.

Pushing Towards a Better Future

Customers will be able to see that we have several milestones we’re working towards. Our team is driven and passionate about consistently building and improving our shop and services. L & S Powersports N' More LLC is centered around a promise to the customer that we will always provide the best services possible. We care about the result and want you to be happy when you leave our shop. We’re no strangers to unexpected challenges, so we’ve decided to add that to our shop philosophy. We guarantee that we will always offer competitive prices to ensure we remain affordable for you in any situation. Our goal is not only to become your one-stop shop but to become a pillar in the community.

Fuel Your Dream by Calling Today